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How Much Does Spotify Pay Per Stream

Spotify is a music streaming service that has become enormously popular over the past few years. It offers a wide range of music, from popular hits to obscure tracks. Users can listen to music on desktop and mobile devices how much does Spotify pay per stream.

how much does spotify pay per stream

What is Spotify?

Spotify is a free, legal music streaming service with over 30 million songs in more than 50 languages. Spotify offers the ability to create their own playlists by automatically combining their favorite tracks into minutes spent by these individuals actually being profitable artist-based collaborative playlists.

The user can customize them and share these playlists on social networks like Facebook and Twitter, or download an offline player that lets the user listen even without a mobile data connection (just as on other services).

The main difference between Spotify’s payouts profile and Pandora is that Spotify pays out mostly based on subscription fees. The majority of income comes from ads. This sharply contrasts with digital music platforms where all profit gained through users’ monthly listening habits is turned into royalties.

For example, if a typical listener spends an average of 30 hours per month listening to audio via streaming, adds 500 tracks and 1 hour each time for video podcasts – then the actual number.

It becomes clearer how this is possible. With 4 billion tracks available across Spotify’s catalog, the sampling of users with the best chart positions or artists will rise over time as approximately 4000 subscribers generally support 1 track Under 2 million highest-earning individuals contribute to 10% of all streams on average (Mischel).

How much does Spotify pay per stream Streaming payouts comparison (2022)

You may be wondering if Spotify payouts are attractive, and the results below could surprise you. We will compare how much money a user might earn per stream in 2018 compared to what would happen in 2022. Based on the recent development of streaming revenue models.

This is important because it shows the potential for people to buy subscriptions through accounts or an ad-free version of Spotify without realizing that access does not mean net income – but rather can make the difference between living and dying.

Spotify, a music streaming service, pays artists between $0.003 and $0.0084 per stream, with an average payout of $0.004 per stream. It depends on many factors, such as the country of the listener. While listeners from the US pay $0.0039 per stream, Portuguese listeners will pay $0.0018.

Spotify doesn’t pay artists royalties based on streaming rates. The royalty payments that artists receive may vary based on differences in the streaming of their music or the agreements they have with labels or distributors. As we’ve already mentioned, Spotify Free and Spotify Premium handle music royalties differently.

The first is free to use and shows ads to users. The Premium model has no ads but does ask for a monthly fee. Royalties are distributed from the net revenue collected from ads and Premium subscription fees. Spotify offers better royalties when Premium users stream music.

How Much Does Spotify Pay for Copyright?

The streaming music company Spotify doesn’t fit into the usual category of digital-rights managers. Spotify has no official affiliated ensemble – but licensing deals are signed between record labels and major artists like Drake or Rihanna.

It can take as long as two years to get paid by these agreements, either through royalties issued at some point in the future. On a monthly basis while they’re receiving a payment from one parent entity (on an affiliate agreement).

Discusses how content rights owners are paid based on the number of streams, with a higher rate for premium users. South Korea is given as an example of a country where Spotify pays a higher rate because it has no free tier.

Spotify is a music streaming service with over 75 million active users. Roughly only 20 million of these users have a paid premium account, which results in a lower royalty rate per stream for artists.

The more users Spotify acquires, the lower the royalty rate per stream becomes unless the paid subscription percentage is maintained or increased. Rates are also influenced by the country (due to advertising and currency values).

Spotify Pay Per Stream – 70 Percent Goes TO The Right Holders

Spotify is a music streaming service where one can listen to the songs they want via an onscreen interface. The company has been an innovative start-up due to its ability to blend around popular filesharing and pirating. Artists are paid based on two aspects – either volume of streams (label royalties), or a number of subscribers that pay for premium subscriptions at premium prices ($9 per month).

During usage, artists receive 70 percent from record labels, 20 percent goes to the right holders, which are then split between the copyright owners. This percentage ratio is based on polls of music executives and legal analyses performed by major law firms (such as WIPO or CLS).

Spotify would not comment on their royalties paid out but The RIAA estimated that only 30 million people pay for Spotify Premium at $9 a month. So less than half pays per stream is significantly lower when compared to unpaid service, exposing the artists to more losses than 30 million rippers.

According to the RIAA report, only 12 million new subscription users were added in 2014  and Spotify charges $10 for this update. The rest of 72 percent had rotated on or off as individuals but reported that they will choose paid subscriptions again and move them back in 2015. This makes sense considering that an individual may start a trial with no intention of paying up until he or she listens to new releases and falls in love with them.

Spotify Offering Premium for $4 Per Month

A Unique Asset of the Recording Industry Spotify has always been accused of being out of touch. Every time they moved from media reform debates to music piracy and copyright.

Is It Unfair

CEO and co-founder of BPI, Gordon Brockerman (UK), spoke with The New York Times Magazine earlier this year which he said. Being a record company boss is quite a tough job these days. In 20 years it has become so difficult we are ­becoming dinosaurs. There will be fewer of us as we keep losing our grip on the creative industries, dominated by free services like Spotify.”

Let’s say that these are only two extreme positions.

I am not saying that Spotify cannot provide users with compelling content valued at $9 per month or less and should be subsidized for all of the free music. However taxing it will be for artists in the long run ( see above ). Take Hozier’s “Take Me To Church”. It is a rather simple song, like most other Irish traditional songs. But crafted by one of Ireland’s finest young singers it is quite compelling. And it was put out there for free – here on Spotify already now, only the radio has gotten to hear it up until three months ago.

Do You Want to Know How Much do Artists Make Per Stream

According to BPI, in the UK music industry. ” In 2015 alone, record labels and publishers earned as much from Spotify listening as they actually paid out in royalties “.

This is concerning. It’s not that artists or content providers should feel aggrieved by this situation – they don’t. They are just shocked at how little income can be generated without paying a proper gratuity that would fund the production of subsequent albums.

We’ve presented a chart where you can see how many music streaming services are provided per stream.

Music streaming service            Avg. pay per stream

Spotify                                              $0.00437

Tidal                                                  $0.01284

Napster                                                $0.019

Apple Music                                         $0.00783

Deezer                                                $0.0064

Amazon Music                                $0.00402

Pandora                                              $0.00133

YouTube                                           $0.002

The table compares how much money a musician can make off of 1,000,000 views through Spotify and other platforms. On Spotify, a musician could make $4,366, while on YouTube they could make $54.33.

Can An Artist Make a Living From Spotify Streams

Spotify pays royalties to artists based on how often their music is streamed. The company doesn’t want to say what exactly artists earn because it depends on many factors. According to simple calculations, artists have to have millions of streams to live from their music.

According to the company’s chart, as an artist, you’ll earn $0.004 on average per stream, $4 per 1,000 streams, or $4000 per million streams.

how much does spotify pay per stream


1,000 Streams = $34 per Million Per Month

5,000 Streams = $112.50per Million Per Month

10,000 Streams =$250 per Million Per Month


Apple Music pays the most of all music streaming services; it compensates artists 10 times more per stream than other companies. For an artist that has 300 million streams, this would mean $3 for every 1 million streams with Apple.

Spotify and Tidal pay about twice as much to their artists (2x =$0.008 each). There are many potential variables here that make a fair comparison difficult.


YouTube pays very little, only $0.002 per 1000 streams. You can earn more in one month by just uploading a video instead of creating new music files and live performance videos to stream on the platform.


Many points in their FAQ section address the issue of how music streaming services are licensed. Wonder Why? Because, as Spotify has since started finding all kinds of loopholes to pay less (and take advantage of so-called ‘artists’ collective knowledge”).

TIDAL is no different by trying to create a fair platform for musicians. It comes down to licensing and royalty calculation/payout ways.


As Spotify continues to grow in popularity and gain new users by the day. It’s no wonder they’re looking for ways to keep up with the demand. It’s no surprise to hear that they’re paying their artists very well – how much does Spotify pay per stream. However, with this high payout comes the risk of devaluing the music streaming experience for their current and potential users. What are your thoughts on this? Share them in the comments below and we would love to hear from you.

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